When employing a Nanny, one of the most common questions that are not discussed at interview is the parent/nanny childcare styles they use day to day. There are many different approaches to care for children from child led, attachment parenting, routine based, boundaries, as well as following particular child development methods like Montessori, Pikler, Rudolph Steiner, Gina Ford, Alison Scott Wright, Rachel Waddilove, and many more!
It is important to understand where your nanny's natural instinct lies when it comes to caring for children, as they can follow different methods, but if it does not feel natural or goes against how they feel this can cause difficulties in the employment.
Communication is an absolute must at the interview stage, with a clear vision from both parties how they would like the day to day work. Important things to cover are, depending on the stage and ages of the children would be:
It is important to know how confident the Nanny is at implementing your styles too. Have they worked like this before? Did it go well? As like most things, once you have all the information, you will be in a better position to make the right decision.
If you need advice about this, please do contact us to discuss.
We would be delighted to discuss any questions you may have! Please do not hesitate to contact us.