This week is Safer Sleep Week, brought to us by The Lullaby Trust. The trust works tirelessly to raise awareness of SIDS and how to reduce the risk.
What is SIDS?
SIDS stands for sudden infant death syndrome, it is the sudden and unexpected death of a baby where no cause is found. We do not know what causes it. Around 86% of SIDS deaths happen when a baby is six months old or less. To reduce the risk of SIDS for your baby, follow the Lullaby Trust's evidence-based safer sleep advice –such as sleeping your baby on their back in a clear sleep space – for the first six months. After this time, the risk is reduced, however SIDS can still happen so it is best to continue the safer sleep routines you have built up over time.
These factors all need to be taken into consideration to reduce the risk:
One quick way to remember how to practice safer sleeping with a baby is ABC: ALWAYS place your baby on their BACK in a CLEAR cot.
When writing this blog and searching for a picture for the cover photo, I noticed how many pictures online and on social media advertise babies in the most dangerous of scenarios. Babies with loose blankets, soft toys everywhere in the cot, cot bumpers, falling asleep on a sofa with your baby. Please IGNORE these photos. This is not safe practice.
Do visit The Lullaby Trust's website for more information, advice and guidance. They really do have excellent resources.
We would be delighted to discuss any questions you may have! Please do not hesitate to contact us.